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Mission Statement

Our Mission
We pledge to design, manufacture and deliver world-class quality products.


Our Pledge
The management and employees of Diligence, Inc. pledge to our customers to design, manufacture and ship quality products on schedule, which fully meet the customer's specifications and requirements. As we fulfill this pledge, upon which our reputation is built and continuously maintained, our mission will be accomplished.


To our management and employees, Diligence, Inc. pledges fair and competitive wages and fringe benefits, a work place free from bias, discrimination and harassment, regardless of the reason, protection of their right to express an opinion and make constructive suggestions for purpose of discussion, review and performance evaluation to both supervision and management. And further, we pledge to provide an orderly and clean work place, safe from hazardous conditions and with products, machines, equipment and computers that are technically modern and well maintained. We believe this type of working environment and facility will be capable of producing state of the art products that will keep Diligence, Inc. competitive.


We pledge to our community to be a good neighbor; to keep our plant and grounds neat and clean; to protect the environment surrounding us; to contribute to good works and charities; to pay our fair share of taxes and to obey and to support the laws of our land in every way we can.


Lastly, we believe that as we keep our pledges, our mission will be accomplished and our company will prosper. Adequate profit will be available to share with our employees in bonuses and savings programs and also provide our shareholders with an attractive return on investment.

Precision Machining

Custom Jigs and Fixtures

CNC Training Materials

Manual and CNC Machinist Online Training

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